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Welcome home Steven G meet Sandie Gator and our newest Board Member.

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

Had a great meeting, we now have a complete Board, first time in four years or since the Pandemic. First the introduction, this member has a been a long time member, has volunteered always, shows up and rides regularly. Furthermore he can walk across your swimming pool without getting his little piggies wet. Can feed the multitudes with just a stalk of Broccoli and some asparagus. Not popular in that dept. but he can . Finally without further ado Welcome our New Secretary of The Sandies , Bobby Bennett . He joins Prez Robert Woods, Vice-Prez Sam Engler, now just Treasurer Edna O’Keefe, Chief Cat Herder George or Chief Diddly Squat. A special thank you to Edna for doing yeoman’s duty holding down two Board positions for all those years.

All of us wish to Thank all the members for their approval and faith, Thank You.


Now the story of  Sandie Gator,  7 of us decided to enjoy the beauty of this fantastic Spring day. Also to try and hold in our brain what a pretty riding day it was ,  to save in August.   It was great to have Steven G  riding with us once more. Alas its only temporary as Steven leaves again in May  but it’s a treasure to have him back.


We went 135 miles today, Bigfoots has a super buffet just far away enough to make the ride fun. JoeJoe did an excellent job at Sheepdog,  as always. JoeJoe, you and the other Sandie Sheepdogs are a very special group always have my gratitude . Today Munchkin had a brilliant idea, “Let’s go to Bigfoots for lunch”, simply a grand idea. Not that it was a fluke, I mean Munchkin always has ideas some that are well unusual, some I don’t know how he stays out of jail. At Bigfoots they have this woodcarver that does simply incredible work. He has mystical creatures,  grotesques and just very whimsical stuff. My absolute favorite was a bear surfing. I would have bought but it weighed over 75 pounds and it was big . I spotted Sandie Gator about then and I knew I had to have him. I mean a Gator with a motorcycle helmet too big for him. If that don’t scream “The Sandie Way” I don’t know what would.  Sandie G had a price on him, Sam went to work, haggling is her third favorite sport. The two of them went back and forth sometimes a couple of bucks apart but still angling for The Deal. Finally a price both could live with and Sandie Gator rode home on Sam’s Spyder.  

It was a great day, enjoyed having Steven back, if only for awhile .  Welcome Bobby to the Play that Never Ends, The Sandie Board.  

Next week our jaunt to Barbers, leave Friday home Sunday.  Check out the Newsletter pick something and join us, won’t you ?


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GQ Tommy.Nieft
GQ Tommy.Nieft
Apr 07, 2024

Nice glad it all went great :))))

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