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SDMC Membership Application

All Sand Dollar Members and Applicants are required to complete this form. This ensures we have your current information for mailings, newsletters, emergency contact, etc. Each member is encouraged to update this form as needed.

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Applicant affirms he/she will comply with all applicable Florida laws and club riding instructions. Further agrees to the club and its members and Officers that I know the risks of danger to myself and my passengers and my property while participating in club events, riding with the Club, and while relying upon my own judgment. I understand that others may be affected by my actions. I understand the limits of my abilities and my own riding abilities. I assume all such risks of loss and injury and damage to my property and passengers and others affected by my actions, will not hold the Club and/or its members and Officers, its agents, and again its members, for any damage and/or injury to me or my passengers and/or property. I will be responsible for any damages incurred or sustained by Myself and/or my guests, or passenger or my property. I realize that I am responsible for my own actions while a member and ride participant of the Sand Dollar Motorcycle Club Inc. I also realize that alcohol and/or drugs will affect my ability to handle my motorcycle in a safe and responsible manner. I also agree to obey all posted Traffic signs, if I choose to ignore said Traffic signs, I again assume all responsibilities for my and my passenger/guests actions.

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