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Dinner and Outstanding Lights

Well 20 Sandies made the Dinner , food ,Sandies always a winner. We then did a Grand Tour of Northgate Lights. I can say they did not disappoint.  Thank you Mark S for the reserved space it was well appreciated. Mitchell and Dawn joined us for Dinner. The big treat was “The Pretender to The Scottish Throne” or Dave McAulay  as he is known by his not so loyal subjects, graced us ,with his Royalness. Now the real treat was a visit by Nicole McAulay, David’s lovely daughter. It is very  obvious who Nicole takes after, Clue, it isn’t Dad.. It was so very good to see Tony G out with us. Tony survived North Dakota in the winter glad to be back with the sunburned.


Robert W and his lady friend Alethea came out  to Dinner and Lights. Last year it was butt cold and Robert and Alethea came out on the Harley anyway. At least it was a much nicer night this year.  Joe and Melanie W came out on their new Ride tonight. Sharp, sharp it is.  Lorna S was with Mark to enjoy the Lights also.


Now for the story of the night, Sandy S was going to ride her ride tonight. BUT the battery finally said adios. So Sandy had to car it, the upside was Sandy got some cool pictures. Tommy N graciously chauffeured   Sandy around. It was a pleasant night , the weather was just right and there was a lot less traffic. The Lights were outstanding, the company simply first class.

Next Sandie Adventure is either or both  The Last Ride and or Ride into the New Year. If you’re going to The Last Ride can you let me know when and where your meeting, please.

Pictures from Sandy


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