Share your thoughts. We welcome the motorcycling community and all those who support us.
You will need to sign in (or up if you haven't already) to post. Signing up does NOT make you a member of the SDMC. It allows digital access to our goofy conversations and weird thoughts. All members of the public are welcome to join, please stay positive. We don't closely regulate how people talk to one another, but we make take things down if it gets out of hand.
Introduce Yourself:
We'd love to get to know you better. Take a moment to say hi to the community in the comments.
If you haven't already, now is a great time to update your info on your profile. When updating your username (and you should), please stick to names your family or a co-worker would call you. If you have a road name, feel free to use it.
The rest of the contact info is immensely useful if you wish to set up automatic notifications or emails for anything on the site. We won't spam your inbox unless you ask us to - even then I wouldn't expect it.
For SDMC members or those looking to join, please add your emergency contact info on the membership form. You can also update it there if something has changed.
Forum Rules:
We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines:
Respect each other
Keep replies relevant to the original post - start your own post rather than hijacking someone else's.
No spamming, MLM references, or any other money making/info gathering schemes.
Accept that the ideas and words posted reflect the individual typing, not anyone else.
Be tolerable and tolerate others. No one has to agree with your perspective, only accept you as another human being.
Don't take yourself seriously. At some point someone will call you out for a silly typo or mistake. It's all part of living in society as far as we are concerned.